Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Nart is an aquired taste, kind of like seeweed and also kind of like 3 r's of feeling. At first glance one might feel feelings of repulsion feelings, rebelion feelings, and radicalness feelings, but if you force yourself to eat it enough times, then wait a few years, then your brain says to you, "hey I remember that stuff!" and before it can say "It was really disgusting" (or to use on of our motif feelings "repulsive") it is in your mouth and you are tricked into thinking you are eating memories.

Sometimes I wonder if I am just trying to relive my bleeding skull robot + Aliens vs Predator middle school study hall drawing days. Every time I find a good piece of nart it takes me back to those golden years. I can still hear the jocks, " dude can you draw me a skull with awesome snakes going through the eyes? Sweetness, now turn it into a cobra" - got to get those fangs just right!

But enough of my past, now let us look to the future portrayed here in all it's glory.

Sure we started occupying Nippon back after WWII, so this fight isn't likely to happen anytime soon. But someday our government is going to realize that it would be way cooler than WWII if we could have planepeople soldiers dog fighting and kunfu fighting at the same time. That could really get the ratings up for CNN.

The only thing is, the American version puts in a useless head with cool hair. Too much fluff if you ask me the Japanese have got it right with the propeller instead of hair.

Sure you might be thinking that Jpop's skinny wings wouldn't stand a chance against Amerible Hulk's propeller arm, but lets walk through this fight step by step...

1. Amerible Hulk smacks Jpop with his prop arm

2. Jpop loses a chunk of arm or leg or something

3. Amerible Hulk's propeller doesn't work after it gets all bent up

4. Amerible HUlk: " aggggghhahghhghghghhhhh h h h h h h "...


Meanwhile Jpop shifts his weight a bit to compensate for his torn cargo pants and flys on home with that propeller head of his.

We are so totally dead...


S.T. Lewis said...

Awesome, man! How did you post this in September and I didn't know about it until today? Where have I been? I love your blog. "Torn cargo pants." HA!

Carolyn said...

Love love love this! super awesome! :)

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Albert Preston said...

Yes, undeniably awesome :)
The Best Ever Allentown Private Detectives

larinagraspela143 said...

nicely done, i'd love to have this art on my wall, please keep on posting more!

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virginia143 said...

this art is very interesting, thanks for sharing this with us.

Shocked at Allentown Private Detective

danny miller said...

this art looks very interesting. please keep on posting more.

Shocked at Baytown Managed IT Services

shine cruz said...

awesome artwork!. i really love this blog. i'll definitely bookmark this. :)

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colins143 said...

this blog is a very good example of a creative artwork. nicely done.

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micluke143 said...

nice artwork!, i wish i could draw like that too. very nice concept.

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Myra Sprague said...

Love this art.

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